Beginner’s Guide to DNA testing for Genealogy
This presentation will give an overview of the 3 main types of DNA tests available for family history purposes. It…
How Do I Keep All This Stuff Straight: Organizing Your Research
Don't let the "stuff" of genealogy overwhelm your space or your computer files. Organized research can save you time and…
Citation for Beginners
Learning to write genealogical citations is part art, part science and potentially terrifying. Learn what important components to note while…
5 Tips for Deciphering Handwritten Documents
Reading handwritten documents can be one of the most challenging aspects of genealogical research. Learn 5 tips from a genealogical…
Cemeteries, Symbols, and Caretakers – Stories in Stone (Cemetery Research)
Ever wonder what various gravestone symbols mean? Is everything "set in stone" completely accurate? We will "walk through" cemeteries all…
Hispanic How to do Mexican Research for Genealogy
This class is for anyone interested in doing Mexican genealogical research, and wants to find what they are looking for.…
When the Records were “Burnt Up”
Bad news about records can often be overcome with persistence and flexibility. Put on your own discovery hat and create…
Dating Family Photographs 1900-1940
Do yo have a shoebox full of early 20th century family pictures with no labels indicating who the people were?…
Bastrop County Cemeteries
Come learn more about the cemeteries in Bastrop County and how to find people you are looking for.
Colonial Immigrants: Who They Were and Where They Came From
Between 1607 and 1790, about 900,000 immigrants came to the colonies. Learn about each of the nationalities that came before…
Understanding Family Migration Patterns
Moving from one location to another required a major change in living conditions. The choices that led to the decision…