German grave at Fairview
Calvary Episcopal Church
Bastrop Advertiser

Our Approach


Here are a few links to resources that you may or may not know about, to help you in your research.

Bastrop County Clerks Office for  information on public court records and legal documents, criminal, jail, and arrest records, marriage licenses, divorce, judicial, and probate records, businesses liens, notary services, real estate taxes and voter registration services.

Bastrop Historical Society  – Click HERE to email information requests.  Located at 904 Main Street, Bastrop.  512.303.0057

Bastrop County Communities and History

Cyndi’s List:  General Bastrop County Resources

Family Search:  Wiki on Bastrop County

Family Search: Texas Online Genealogy Records

Family Search: Bastrop County Cemeteries

RootsWeb Cemeteries in Bastrop County

Bastrop Cemetery Records

Internments – Bastrop County (limited to Alum Creek, Bateman, Coates, New Red Rock, Old Red Rock)

Alum Creek Cemetery Interment

Bastrop County US Gen Web Archives

Burial notices : Bastrop, Texas 1880-. Bastrop Public Library

Fairview Cemetery City of Bastrop

Fairview Cemetery US Gen Web Archives

Fairview Cemetery, Bastrop, Texas Family History Library

Phelan Cemetery US Gen Web Archives

Smith Cemetery US Gen Web Archives

Walker-Watson Cemetery US Gen Web Archives

Wolfenberger Cemeterey US Gen Web Archives

Bastrop Church Records

Church records, 1883-1951 (Evangelisch Lutherische Siloah Gemeinde (Bastrop, Texas)) Family History Library

Bastrop Newspapers and Obituaries

Bastrop Advertiser and County News. (Bastrop, Tex.) 1980-CurrentMultiple Archives

Bastrop Advertiser, The (Texas/United States) [Bastrop County – Bastrop] 27 May 1854 to 13 May 2010The Portal to Texas History

Bastrop Advertiser, The (Texas/United States) [Bastrop County – Bastrop] 27 May 1854 to 13 May 2010Elephind

Bastrop Advertiser. (Bastrop, Tex.) 1853-1980 Multiple Archives

Bastrop County Times, The (Texas/United States) [Bastrop County – Bastrop] 5 January 1978 to 28 December 1978 Elephind

Bastrop County Times, The (Texas/United States) [Bastrop County – Bastrop] 5 January 1978 to 28 December 1978 The Portal to Texas History

Colorado Reveille. (Bastrop, Tex.) 1852-1853 Texas State Library

Bastrop School Records

History of Bastrop County, Texas, 1846-1865 Family History Library

Our Story