Jacquie Wilson came to the Bastrop County Genealogical Society on November 12, 2016 to show us how Social Media can help us with our genealogical research!  Jacquie is a professional genealogist. She worked for the National Archives for more than 25 years in DC and at the LBJ Library in Austin. She has a bachelors degree in Historical Studies and Masters of Library Science. Jacquie is also a “blogger” on her Stone Gardens website and Facebook page, as well as takes photos for Find a Grave and indexing records for Family Search. Here are the excellent resources she provided:


Cyndi’s List – Social Networking

Facebook (social network)

Flickr (photos)


Google+ (interest based)

Instagram (photos)

LinkedIn (business relationships)

Pinterest (online bulletin board)

Popular Social Networks for Genealogy

Reddit (entertainment & news)

Scribd (digital library)

Social Media Genealogy (Katherine Wilson’s FB List)

StumbleUpon (social bookmarks)

Tumblr (blogs)

Twitter (micromedia)

YouTube (videos)

Vine (very short videos)

WordPress (blogs)

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